Sunday, October 02, 2022

Acute prospertity

The Kadizzles move in various circles. At times we associate with the one percent on top. Their lives are different. They isolate themselves from normal people who do actual work for a living. The slummers are miles away. Usually there is a river that keeps the miscreants away, or maybe they live on an island. If nothing else works they build a huge wall or fence to keep the common people away. 

The Hoopleheads have no clue. Playing the Hoopleheads is what the one percent do. If you have plenty of cheese more than likely it is from a good scheme to take the excess from some poor fool. Most Hoopleheads are totally unaware of how well the well to do live. 

Any Hooplehead that has ten bucks in his pocket assumes he is rich, and the socialist are plotting to get his ten dollars. Of course the Republicans know how to play on this fantasy. While the top Republicans rob the Hooples blind, the Hooples blame the welfare cheats. The scheme is supported by Fox News, and right wing radio. Fear is the sauce of the Republican party. They are going to get my gun, my ten bucks, and my religion, that is all it takes to confuse a simple minded dinger. Go to a Tea Party meeting and you can hear it all. Some crazed loon like Windy Rodgers will tell the cult the socialist are after their guns, their money, their redneck culture, and their ability to home school. The Hooples eat it like french fries, and vote for the King, Donald Trump. Know one knows how to rob a simple minded Hooplehead like the Donald. The Donald says " send money for a wall, send money to protect me from the FBI" and then Donald pockets the money. The theft is reported by decent news media, and The Donald yells " fake news".  The simple minded dingers send him more money. Does it get any better Frank?

Now 400 families have as much wealth as the rest of us combined, but are they the problem? No, it is the guy living on welfare with a junked car in a yard. He is the guy who robbed us. Frank cannot figure it out, but Kadizzle is doing his best to help Frank realize the guy coming out of the bank with the bag of money is the robber, not the blind guy selling pencils in front of the bank. 

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