Monday, October 24, 2022

Republican Termites

Old Kadizzle is 73 years old. Never has he seen the country in more peril. Maybe the Cuban missile crisis compared. The polls are not looking good. For some strange reason stupidity is spreading faster than Covid ever could. The thirst for dictators is world wide. Look at Britian, they crave crazy worse than the Frank's in America . The Kadizzles now reside in Arizona where the crazy Trump people thrive like weeds. Imagine going down your basement and finding the foundation eaten away by termites. You were fat and happy, now your world is upside down. Go test the wood of our society. The Hoopleheads are everywhere. Kadizzle used to think Pennsylvania was a state of educated people. Nope, the Hooples are there. Kadizzle grew up in West Virginia, a state that always was solid union, Democrat. Nope, those days are gone. Kadizzle's own brother back in West Virginia swallowed the stupid pill Trump handed out. One of Trump's criminal buddies, Bob Murray scammed my brother, yet he still believes in Jesus Trump born of a virgin con artist mother and father. 

It appears Britain is ahead of us in the race to explode with economic stupidity. Who engineered this mess? It was not the immigrants, or the liberals, the real culprit were the greedy rich bastards who cannot stand paying taxes. The Republicans cooked up a scheme to dumb the country down, scare the simple minded, and use divisiveness to conquer the people with brains. 

The sled is at the top of the slope, and it appears a minor shove will get us rolling toward disaster. Has anyone noticed the concept of making the rich pay their share is never even mentioned. All this economic nonsense is the result of the rich walking off with everything. Of course it is forbidden to talk about the real problem. Instead Fox News cooks up silly explanations. Every Hooplehead believes Joe Biden has a giant dial in his office that controls the price of gas. Joe turns it up just to piss off the Hoopleheads. Of course Trump will turn the gas dial down when he gets elected if he has time off from golf. 

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