Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Blow up the school boards

Part of the Republican strategy to make Trump King is to destroy the school system. Republicans like Frank love ignorance, and there is no better way to create ignorance than homeschooling, and charter schools. The local paper features and article about how the dolts are trying to get elected to the school board. If the Hooples succeed there will be an endless supply of new Hoopeheads to vote the thieves, and liars like Trump. 

Reality is always a nuisance, and the religious, the Republicans, and the con men all would like to do away with reality. Public schools tend to deal with reality, real math, science, and history. However, reality does not work well for Republicans, and lying politicians. Propaganda is the stock in trade of the right wing. 

As mentioned before the United States now ranks 28 in education, while China is number one.  China is not plagued with charlatans running charter schools, nor is China stuck with religious schools, few countries would tolerate turning education into propaganda factories, but that is the goal of Frank and the Republicans. 

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