Friday, October 21, 2022

It is supposed to be a desert

The Lake Roosevelt area is supposed to be some sort of desert, but when rain hits the world changes, all deserts have this characteristic. Once a thousand years ago we were in the Baja. A hundred year rain fell. The desert exploded with plant life. Kadizzle will never forget the experience. Walking in the desert there was like walking on another planet. Strange weird plants were everywhere. It seemed like the setting to a science fiction movie. Now back to Lake Roosevelt. Last year we had all the local trails cleared. A bike ride this morning revealed the blasted cat's claw made a major comeback. To show humans how much he loved them God made terrible desert plants. The absolute worst is Jumping choa. Jumping choa will leap from the plant to stab innocent animals and people. Choa has a barbed needle that can go through tennis shoes. It does not actually jump, but if you just barely brush it that damn stuff stabs you. Cat's claw is called that because the needles are shaped like little curved knives. With no trouble it will cuts you with a thousand bleeding cuts. Since God loves us why did he invent mosquitos, and flies?Then comes the next question. When God flooded the Earth he had a chance to fix all his mistakes. God could have asked Noah to leave the flies off the ark, and the flood surely wiped out all the terrible desert plants. But no, all the mistakes by plan were brought to the newly flushed world. How is this a loving God. 

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