Monday, October 17, 2022

Maybe the Tide is turning

Down on the protest line yesterday things seemed more positive. The Barber showed up and we had a good line of old giessers protesting. As the cars go by you get the mean Trump goats that give you the finger, and on the other side you get the cheerful thumbs up from the good Americans. A very positive day yesterday. 

Of course you get the goofy little men who have to puff themselves up with a loud pickup or the motorcycle jerk who makes his mating call with his exhaust pipe. One symptom of a masculinity problem is the desire to join the Trump cult. Men with inferiority complexes like to join other men of the same ilk. It is nice to be with other high school dropouts for comfort. Knowing you are among a crowd of stupid people gives comfort to the mentally challenged. Then of course the bravest of them all is the gun guys. 

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