Friday, October 07, 2022


If you ever traveled in the East you know what kudzu is. The south is worse yet. Kudzu is a vine that takes over everything. Like so many introduced species someone thought it was harmless and they ignored the results. Republicans are the modern kudzu. People did not imagine stupidity could spread so rapidly and take over our society. People have become drunk on the lies of Trump. The supreme court is toast, our elections are now meaningless. Ignorance has spread like wildfire. The rich are secluded in their compounds and the people in the trailer courts are drunk on idiocy. 

Kadizzle awoke with his brain scrambled just thinking about the insanity of the casino. The place packed, full to the brim of delusional people. It was such a microcosm of our country. Five hundred people thinking they can win, and the only winner is the casino. Five hundred people being scammed, unaware the rules will assure them empty pockets. If sheep could shear themselves they would do it at a casino or Republican headquarters.  

 As part of the morning ritual Kadizzle peruses the New York Times. There he came across a book review about a book predicting the mess we are in. The book was written prewar Germany. We are there, right there. It is happening all over. The last time the kudzu spread it was world war two. This time it will be much more fun with nuclear weapons. Russian has weaponized stupidity. Russia has realized our idiocy is Russia's greatest weapon. The Chinese are patient people. Between those two countries laughing while we sink things are dim. Now take a look at what the Arabs have done. While they have been buttered by every recent president they have stabbed us in the back. The U.S. tolerated the abuses of the Arab murders, and still we never got smarter. Addicted to Arab oil we find the Arabs teamed up with Russia to create a mess for Biden with no way out. 

The answer was here all the time, nuclear energy, but again ignorance stopped progress. Nuclear energy has evolved to be much safer, but nope the dolts don't keep up with technology and science. The fossil fuel lobby is like the pharmaceutical lobby, they own Washington. 

What kind of country gets a buzz out of watching cars go in a circle? The United States is asleep watching NASCAR, baseball, football, and going to the gas station to buy some lottery tickets. 

This all brings us to Shanika. Shanika had a retirement program. He thought if he bought 40 dollars of lottery tickets a week his retirement was assured. Just like the dolts that bet on Trump, it ain't going to work. Math is a mean master. The numbers never change. Two thousand years ago a right triangle was the same as a right triangle today. When you give all the money to the rich with tax breaks the math just does not work, yet the Hoopleheads believe that is the answer. 

Lets examine the mind of a Hooplehead for a moment. The Hooplehead turns' on the radio to a right wing radio program. The gold scam guy tells the Hooplehead if he buys gold it is bound to go up in value and make him rich. Now if gold were actually that good would the guy be selling it to the Hooplehead? No, the guy with the gold would just keep it and prosper himself. You do not sell geese that lay golden eggs. It is that simple, but the Hoopleheads cannot see it. Stock brokers are another classic case. If they actually knew which stocks would do well they would not need to be promoting them. Warren Buffett seemed to know which companies would do well, he never tried to sell stock. Warren bought the stock himself and prospered. 

The snake oil salesman does not drink snake oil, Trump does not play by the rules, Trump lies, the snake oil salesman lies. Trump does not buy MAGA hats or Trump steaks, or Trump casinos, nor does Trump send his kids to Trump University. The Hoopleheads want to be like Trump. One thing they have learned from Trump is lying. The Hooples repeat the right wing lies they learn from Fox, and right wing radio. Lying worked for Trump, why not for a Hoople. Nothing beats lying to yourself. That is what makes gambling fun. You lie to yourself that you will win. If you follow Trump believing lies is your mana from heaven. Most lies blow up big time. Bernie Madoff told some whoppers. Bernie is now giving his fellow inmates investment advice. Hitler mastered lying, and taught Trump how to do it. What happened to Hitler? According to reported he committed suicide in his bunker and his buddies poured gasoline on his body to cremate him. Imagine Trump's funeral, will the people show up in rags with pockets full of lottery tickets. Think about the little Trumps in Arizona, and North Dakota. It is inevitable history will tell the truth about how these worthless lickspittles fell in line behind Trump. History will also tell how the line lead toward a cliff. Too much coffee, have a good day Kadizzlites, and do your part to defeat the Republican evil. 

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