Thursday, October 13, 2022

Second Post for Today, Think about it Frank

Yesterday was a tremendous victory for truth. Think about it Frank. Alex Jones got busted. Jones lied in the Donald Trump fashion, and now he and his company are bankrupted. There is a lesson in this Frank, and the whole Tea Party gang needs to review the lesson. Countless idiots tuned into Alex Jones and made him a rich liar. Donald Trump is no different. The point is a lot of simple people can be sucked in by a national liar. There are mini liars trying to make it big on the lying circuit. Here in Arizona you have Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and that other goof Gomer or whatever his name is. Did you learn anything from Alex Jones, Frank?

Why do simple minded people like liars. The answer is simple. Simple people like simple explanations. Snake oil salesmen have a simple solution. The $19.95 salesman on TV has a simple solution. A gun is a simple solution. Simple people love simple solutions. Put some drugs in your veins, simple solution, vote for Trump, simple solution. Conspiracy theories are simple solutions, that is why Frank and the gang love them. God is a simple solution. You don't have to think or plan, God took care of all that. Why read a lot of books when you only need one, the Bible. There is no global warming, simple solution. Make life simple, be simple, hang around with simple people, it is all just that easy Frank. 

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