Saturday, October 15, 2022

Just for Frank, and the Tea Party

 Who knows what the Payson Roundup will publish? To make sure the Tea Party and Frank get the latest epistle to the paper, here it is. 

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”  The poet  Anatole France made that observation over a hundred years ago. Somehow it works out that the rich don’t have to sleep under the bridge or steal bread. Donald Trump has shown us the law really doesn’t apply to the rich. The rich owe 900 billion in taxes, they refuse to pay , and say 87,000 IRS agents trying to make them pay are an invasion of their privacy. 

Trump has shown that with enough money, you can buy crooked lawyers, accountants, and judges. Yes, the rich are different. The rich have bail money, the poor are locked up immediately. The poor utilize street walkers, the rich have Jeffery Epstien to supply them with young girls. Politics is no longer the will of the people, but the will of the rich. Since the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people and free to buy all the politicians they want, our country has been on a steep slide to an aristocracy. 

The rich are clever enough to blame all our problems on the poor, immigrants, and lazy welfare cheats. Sadly the ruse works. It is the poor who clean the restrooms, cook the hamburgers, and pick up the garbage. The oppressed buy into the Republican lies, and who do they support, the very people who make them poor, steal their healthcare, destroy their schools, and rob them of their social safety nets. 

In the upcoming election the poor can vote for the slave masters, or rebel and throw out the Trumps of the world that have exploited them for so long. 

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