Friday, October 14, 2022

Shooting the fact gun

Emil Kashuntz loves to protest. Every week or so he makes a new protest sign to try out on the Hooples. This week's sign says " Republicans  living the lies". 

Kadizzle joins Kashuntz most of the time. It is evil fun, but the most fun are the Hooples that stop and want to confront us. If  you start shooting facts at a Hoople they will usually run. Yesterday an old Hoople made the turn near us onto a side street and gave Kadizzle the finger. The Hooplehead went over by the ice cream place and parked. When he came over and said a couple of nasty things, Kadizzle said" I'll bet you twenty dollars you will leave if I give you some facts. Kadizzle then recited how Trump bilked college kids out of 25 million. The Hooplehead took off. 

If you want to keep Hoopleheads away just hit them with some reality. 90% of the time it works. They will try a couple of " What about Hunter Biden's laptop" or maybe " Look what Biden did to the gas prices".  It will always be some " What about?" argument. When you give them the answer they go on to the next silly statement. If you sort of get them cornered they will say " Trump did a lot of good things".  Ask the Hooplehead to name the good things, and look at the blank stare in their eyes. 

Kadizzle and Kashuntz concluded the tide is turning. On the highway there are more supporters giving the thumbs up than the old mean finger guys and women. Cannot deny how much fun it is to see an old mean Hoople give us the finger. The poor Hooples are caught up in the Fox News spin. At some level the Hoopleheads must know they are just not that bright. One thing that is pretty reliable are the signs of simple minded Hoople. The young ones will drive a loud obnoxious pickup truck. The one with extreme lack of intelligence have rigged their diesel to " roll coal". These are the dumbest of the dumb. They have a special way to make their truck spew a cloud of black smoke. They love to go by Kashuntz and make the truck roar and spew black smoke. The Hooples cannot understand they are announcing to the world how stupid they are. A simple minded dinger went by yesterday with a Confederate flag superimposed on the American Flag. Now you can bet that guy would fail any IQ test, and be a hit at a Tea Party meeting. 

Both Kadizzle and Kashuntz hoped gun guy would show up. Nothing beats a display of stupidity more than a gun slinger. Kadizzle likes to ask the gun slingers what they fear. The gun slingers are all good guys with guns waiting to shoot some innocent person. The black guy selling Trump crap from China left. He will be missed. It did not take long talking to him to get the diagnosis of mental illness. 

Kadizzle had a conversation with the black Trump supporter. He told Kadizzle 80% of black people were thieves, drug dealers, or internet scammers. Next he said " I have had enough of those niggers".  Wow, Kadizzle was amazed. The black fellow was all caught up in his new found respect for Jesus and the Republicans. You know a brain is on something strange when it can mix Jesus, Trump, and the Republicans and come up with something they believe in. 

The Hooples deep down know they are not that bright. Trump brings them hope. In Trump they see a successful idiot a man who can lie his way to prosperity. Unfortunately the Hooples got it wrong. You have to lie to other people, not yourself. If there is one thing the Hooples have mastered it is lying to themselves. Thankya Jesus Fox News, and the right wing radio host help the Hoopleheads along the path to the delusion that keeps them going. 

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