Thursday, October 06, 2022

Buy Stock in Bums

Kadizzle has written about his system for winning at the slot machines. You can only win so much per membership card. The more membership cards you have the more you can win. Joking with Fred this morning Kadizzle said he had a plan to recruit bums and get them to sign up for casino cards. We laughed about investing in bum stock. 

On the way to the casino Kadizzle saw some poor guy with a chain saw over his shoulder, and a bunch of other crap in his arms struggling to walk somewhere. Kadizzle stopped and gave the guy a ride. Mr. Bummore was going to the rodeo ground to pitch a tent and stay in bum hollow. Kadizzle explained to Mr. Bummore that if we used his membership card at the casino we could win money on it. 

After Kadizzle had a good run on his cards Mr. Bummore showed up as planned. Kadizzle had to supply the fifty dollars to get the free fifty dollars on Bummores card. Helping Bummore brought a good streak of luck. Kadizzle won thirty dollars on the initial fifty. On Bummore's fifty we won about twenty five. Kadizzle left the casion with about two hundred thirty dollars in winnings, and let Bummore keep the money he won on his card. So it was a good night with total winnings of about 280 dollars. Statistics class has finally paid off. Kadizzle has not lost once in fifteen trips to the casino. For a couple more days the casino will be doing the special and with any good fortune Kadizzle should make at least another hundred this week. 

Now, for the bad news. Never has Kadizzle seen the casino so packed. The casino is celebrating its anniversary and has some special deals. The warriors are shoveling the money they are making from the white guys that stopped at the casino with the wagon train. It is mind boggling to see Hoopleheads feed the machines. The Hooples act like they cannot go broke quick enough. The urge to get robbed is insuppressible. Kadizzle tried to explain to Mr. Bummore how to beat the system. Kadizzle had to keep a close eye on Bummore. Statistically the more pulls on the handle the closer you will come to the mathematical average, and that is what you want. So you need to make the most pulls for your dollar. The machine is set up to temp you to up your bet, which is good for the casino, but not you. Bummore wanted to fall for that trick and Kadizzle had to slap his hand. 

Anyone stupid enough to slowly give away their money at the casino is ripe picking for Trump. If you want to see a massive collection of the people Trump feeds off of go to the casino. Getting fooled somehow pleases these people. These are the people Trump loves to lie to. Ironically they get some strange pleasure out of being conned. 

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