Monday, October 10, 2022

Pay the bum

This morning Kadizzle has to go give the bum his share of the winnings. Mr. Bumore is currently residing in a tent out by the rodeo grounds. Kadizzle was amazed by how much squaller one bum can create. Bumore claimed someone tore up his camp. Kadizzle suspected an animal might have been involved. Then Bumore himself may have made the mess. 

The nights are getting cooler here in the mountains, and the bums may need to go down to a lower elevation or find better bum nest. Our good friend Bill was bum by choice for about five  years. Bill lived like a bum in a tent. Bill was a highly skilled machinist, why he chose to be a bum was a mystery. Most bums have a drinking problem, or drug problem, but Bill just like to hike and do what he wanted. 

It is hard to feel sorry for the bums. They all have a hard luck story. However, in this economy jobs are plentiful and a bum could work if they wanted to. If you have the endurance to stand in front of Walmart begging you surely could take a job and get paid. 

The Jesus gang has a program to rehabilitate bums. It is aimed more at the addicted. Somehow Kadizzle suspects some of the so called rehabilitation ends up making money for the rehabilitator. Goodwill is a classic case. The owners of Goodwill have fooled the public into thinking it is a charity with good intentions. Not the case. Goodwill is run by millionaires. 

Think about it. If you ran a store and got the inventory for free you could make a profit. Add two things to that and you are in the chips. You promote yourself as a tax free charity, and then you hire poor people and pay them nothing. The public thinks you are doing a good deed so they bring you stuff to sell. Meanwhile you appoint yourself as CEO and rake in the money. Notice every goodwill store is in a shopping center with a nice building. How do they do that? No taxes, cheap labor, and free material to sell. A lot of the stuff they do not even have to sell. Goodwill bundles up tons of clothing and ships it to be recycled for a profit. Goodwill gets donations of brand new material from dupes. Goodwill is a racket. 

Rehabilitating drug people is an industry. Where does the money come from? People with good intentions get duped. Remember Elizabeth Dole? She was getting $500,000 a year to head the red cross. Her husband, Bob Dole had plenty of money from being a Republican lickspittle. A decent person would have worked for less or free. It is always a matter of creating an illusion. Trump said he would take no salary, but with his crooked dealings in Washington, and shoveling to his kids he did not need a salary. Remember his buddies stole money on every turn. Steve Bannon had the wall scam, and Trump raked it in at his hotel in Washington from the Arabs and other supplicant. One only need examine the TV preachers to see a scam in action. Here in Arizona the charter school scam promoted by the Republicans is a sure winner. 



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