Friday, April 04, 2008

There are none so blind, as those who will not see

Anyone willing to read can find out what a mess our country is in, but if you choose to wander in the dark, and pretend like you have a sense of reality, you can watch Fox News, or listen to Rush Limbaugh. Today the New York Times has several good articles as usual. One article explores the fact that 81 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction the country is going. The country is a mess because people have been wandering around in la la land uniformed and singing the Republican songs of glory. If there is a God, he must laugh when he sees a land of plenty, but the plenty is all in the hands of a few. Surely this is not what he had in mind. Nothing is as distressing as seeing people capable of seeing pushing forward as if they are blind. The fact that people breathing air would even consider voting for McCain is incredible. Here is a man that has stated he will stay in Iraq for one hundred years if need be. Of course if you read nothing but sports and comics this is not a big deal.
Fifty-eight percent of respondents said they would support raising taxes on households making more than $250,000 to pay for tax cuts or government programs for people making less than that amount. Only 38 percent called it a bad idea. Both Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidates, have made proposals along these lines.

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