Sunday, April 27, 2008

Beyond Hope

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle made a trek to the shopping capital of our universe, Bismarck. All day Lord Kadizzle interviewed the clerks and employees in the stores to test the political wind. The political knowledge of these people was appalling. Many of them had no idea of who was running for president. The majority said they have never voted in their life. The fact that they do not vote could go both ways. Perhaps it keeps us safe from their ignorance, on the other hand if they would just vote they could vote them selfs out of a mess.

The most remarkably stupid person I met all day was at Home Depot. Wait there is a tie for the dumbest. There was the lady who thought McCain was a democrat. Back to Home Depot. Somehow I got on the topic of if he supported our current idiot, Bush. He assured me he did. I asked would support him no matter what? He explained that no matter what stupid thing Bush did he would support him, and even die for Bush's cause. Then he told me that was always the stance of his family, and followed that by saying, I am a Mormon. I figured, this explains it, the guy is a Mormon, and you could get him to believe anything. In an effort to save his soul I decided I needed to cure him of Mormonism first, before we could even start on politics, so I recommended he read the book Under The Banner of Heaven. I told him it exposed the whole fraud of the Mormons. He looked at me puzzled and explained his last name was Mormon, and he was not a member of "the cult". Now, I felt as stupid as he did. I explained when he gave his patriotic speech, he needed to make some clarification. Don't say "I support any stupid thing the president proposes I am a Mormon". Instead, say "My last name is Mormon, I support any stupid thing the president proposes".

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