Sunday, April 20, 2008

Richard the Rat

Richard Nixon, was not all bad, but he came pretty damn close. Spinning through the channels yesterday, Lord Kadizzle happened upon the son of former FBI head L.Patrick Grey. The son was reviewing a book about his father. He tried to clear his father's name in the Watergate scandal. The book has new documentation about what an underhanded rat Nixon was. Grey was set up as a fall guy for Nixon, it didn't work.It is amazing how as time goes on we keep learning more about rats like Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover. Bush is not smart enough to be the world class rat Nixon was. In all fairness Nixon did a few good things. He opened up China, and remarkably he actually did some good things for civil rights. Bush on the other hand's greatest accomplishment has been tying his shoes and setting a new record for the deficit. Oh, I almost forgot the thousands of lives he pissed away in Iraq.

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