Friday, April 25, 2008

Can You Follow th e Bible?

It must be a symptom of getting old, Lord Kadizzle has been reading up on the Bible. Of course he would not go about it by actually reading the Bible. Instead he has read God Is Not Great, The God Dellusion, and now, A Year of Living Biblically.

What if you tried to do what the Bible tells you to do? You would have some serious problems. Among the many rules is the one where you have to wash after having sex? Lord Kadizzle thinks washing prior to sex makes more sense. The Commander now complains about too many showers, this could really set her off. According to the Bible you cannot wear anything with a blend of fibers. You could wear wool socks and cotton underwear, but a wool/cotton blend underwear would send you to hell. One of the biggest problems is all the people you are instructed to kill. You must stone adulters, kill homosexuals, and anyone who picks up sticks on Sunday.

It quickly becomes evident, what has been evident all along, people pick and choose what suits their needs. There are many more rules yet to be explored. The book moves along pretty good and has a good sense of humor. When a female clerk tries to give the author change, he instructs her to put the money on the counter. With an angry look, she does. The Bible says you are not allowed to touch a woman. Embarrassed the author tells the clerk he has a cold that he doesn't want her to catch. Now, he realizes he has just told a lie, you just can't win.

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