Saturday, April 05, 2008

Let Freedom Ring on Every WRT Phone

At long last our local phone company has decided to let the patrons vote by mail. Lord Kadizzle has been campaigning for this for many years. That is the good news. The bad news is that all the patrons are so conditioned to the crooked elections of the past, that no one will now step to the plate and run. The irony is that even with free elections the same politicos will continue in power. The CEO knows he can slide across the line to retirement, and the skids are well greased for his compatriots. It will be interesting to see if the cooperative just makes voting a simple matter of sending in a ballot with your phone bill, or if because of their paranoia they put each voter through some paper work nightmare. I am betting on the paperwork nightmare. As my good conservative friend says, the motto of the Republican party is " Win if you can, loose if you must, but always cheat". So in the end the same bunch will be in power. It may occur to them they could have won all along legitimately, but it was so much more fun to do it the Richard Nixon way and cheat. These are the same people that looked up to Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Grover Norquist and the mother of all piglets Rush Limbaugh. Their guiding philosophy is "The end justifies the means". The sad thing is the end they want is a country with forty million people uncovered by health care, one percent of the population getting seventeen percent of the GDP, and an no burdensome taxes on billionaires.

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