Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Boss

Poor old Lord Kadizzle has worked for a lot of bosses, but none compare to the commander. Nothing goes unnoticed with The Commander. The worst part of working for The Commander is you can't get fired. Lord Kadizzle has tried. Apparently Lord Kadizzle as an employee is incapable of the most basic thinking. Every detail is shouted out by The Commander. Open the door, turn on the light, put the lid on, Lord Kadizzle cannot figure out the most basic things that a normal person might see on their own.

The classic example is the procedure for getting up everyday. We sleep with the window open. So everyday Lord Kadizzle gets up, and just like yesterday The Commander shouts "Close the window". Although she has said it every day since the Earth was formed, she says "Be sure to close it all the way". Lord Kadizzle knows the commands by heart, it is just like being on a sailing ship. The next command is "Open the window shades". There is a little pause, then The Commander says "All the way". As poor old Lord Kadizzle stumbles around and heads down the hall he knows the next command will come from The Commander. "Turn up the heat", followed by "All the way".

If Lord Kadizzle is lucky The Commander will stay in bed. Lately she has been reading in bed in the morning. This is a wonderful blessing because his lordship gets a chance to relax before morning orders start. However, to make this work Lord Kadizzle has to take coffee to The Commander. There are a whole series of commands barked out to manage the coffee delivery, but we need not go into them, they are all standard.

Since his lordship cannot make the simplest of decisions, The Commander decided it was not necessary for Lord Kadizzle to have a brain. Lord Kadizzle was taken to the doctor where a melon ball scoop was stuck in his ear. Most of the sawdust came out pretty easy. However, there is a small piece the size of pea that is still in there. it rolls around and is very annoying, but the blessing of not having to think makes Lord Kadizzle understand why people want to be Republicans.

Now for the amazing part. You have probably deduced Lord Kadizzle is an idiot. When something goes wrong at the Kadizzle household, who do you call. Thats right, "The Idiot". Computer problems are the exclusive domain of The Idiot, and of course all mechanical problems are handled by "The idiot". It's a tough life, but the food is good, and there are some great perks. The whole thing reminds Lord Kadizzle of the verse to a song " And that makes me, and it is plain to see, an idiot I suppose".

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