Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Bad Voodoo's War

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle just watched Bad Voodoo's War on PBS. The Frontline show was just one of many that has put the blatant truth in front of everyone. Iraq is the mother of all disasters. Thank God for Public Television. When you see the truth you can see why the Republicans hate Public Television. If you get a chance watch the program. A reporter gave video cameras to the Voodoo Platoon to film what is going on while they accomplish their mission. Seeing real people suffer for Georges Bush's idiocy really brings it home. Why that moron cannot turn on his TV and get the picture Karl Rove, Tom Delay, and the rest of his lying thieves will not give him is a mystery. He is allowed to watch TV? The other day the press was baffled when they found out George had no idea what a gallon of gas cost. How can anyone still support this man that has wrecked lives, ruined the economy, and tap dances at the White House while our men are getting killed is something I will never understand. It drive me nuts that people who could be finding out what is going on in the world are listening to Rush Limbaugh and reading sports in the paper. We desperately need a draft in this country, that is all that saved us from the Vietnam mess. Nobody cares if volunteer soldiers get killed and maimed, but if it were your son or the neighbor kids things would be different. Where are the proud Bush supporters now? You sure don't see those Bush stickers on anybodies car do you? If you still support this war, and that idiot please call. The polls show we are down to the hard core people that still think the world is flat and we are winning in Iraq. Like the Sargent in the PBS documentary said "It was the Iraqis that planted the bomb in the road". The people we are trying to liberate are the ones killing our soldiers Mr. Bush, it is not some silly terrorist as you would love us to believe.

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