Monday, April 28, 2008

Reverend Wright is cooking them.

Lord Kadizzle is sitting here listing to Reverend Wright. Wow, he is something. If people really listened to what he is saying, it would be truly amazing. The man seems very intelligent, and a very good speaker. He is going to be a handful for his critics. He is going to be demonized by the people who never really listened to what he has to say. Listening to him tell his story, it is easy to see how you could take his speech out of context and use it to bust him. He is on CNN right now. He has a very interesting message. However, the urban legend bunch will have a heyday with him. I would love to see him debate Bingo Bush, he would eat him alive. As I listen, I am concluding he is the best preacher I have ever heard. Get a copy of what he is saying, watch it. You will learn a lot. If I could get a copy of his speech I would show it on the local channel ten. As I keep watching him, I keep getting more impressed. I would go to his church in a heartbeat just to hear someone preach something like what Jesus probably meant.

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