Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tax Reality

Yesterday Lord Kadizzle finally rendered unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's. Again this year Lord Kadizzle did a little experiment. Lord Kadizzle checked the rate he paid against the rate he would have paid if his income had been earned. Just like last year it turns out that there is a big penalty for making money by working. The calculation shows that a person would have to pay seven percent more for making the mistake of earning a living, versus having investments do it for you. How people are sold on the Republican rhetoric that the rich pay their share is a mystery.

The really fascinating part occurs when you add in two other factors. A working person is penalized an additional 7 1/2 percent for social security. So that makes almost a fifteen percent discrepancy. Good old George Bush and his gang have put into place some great deals for capital gains. The net result is the working man gets screwed.

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