Saturday, April 26, 2008

Do I really know these people?

If I were working on a project, and I asked someone to hand me a half inch socket wrench it could go like this: "Which half inch socket wrench do you want, the blue one or the red one?". It doesn't make any difference, would be my reaction, they are both half inch socket wrenches. I am beginning to find out I am wrong. Many of the people for whom I thought the fog had lifted are telling me things like " I could never vote for a black or a woman". A young guy gave me that line and I was shocked. He was still wet behind the ears, and where did he get that jazz, I thought the Klan had gone long ago.

One of the most amazing stories Lord Kadizzle ever read was the transformation of George Wallace. Remember him, he practically invented racism. If your as old as me you remember someone shot him and paralyzed him. For years he was going around spouting his hate, and discontent. Guess who pushed his wheel chair? Yes, it was a black man. For some strange reason George woke up one day, and realized the good friend this man had become, and where he would be without him. George Wallace went to his grave a changed man.

When I used to work in underground mines, one of the things I liked the best was that everybody seemed to get along. There was a simple reason to respect everyone and treat them with some level of dignity. When the roof fell on you, or the damn place blew up, you had no clue who was going to save you. I would not have wanted to be a racist with a rock fall one me and no one to dig me out but a black man. Well that is where we are today. Our country is under a rock, and perhaps the only one who can dig us out is a black man. Now, what color socket wrench do you want?

After writing the above Lord Kadizzled decided to do a little homework. Searching Wikipedia I found some very good information on George Wallace. His story is very interesting. Some question if he was a racist in the first place. He may have been just doing what was politically expedient. The most amazing thing is that in his last election he won by a landslide with the black vote. If you want a little education about politics, at least cheap political tactics, this is your man. In the end he did show you could win by being decent. In a strange way he may be a model some could learn from.

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