Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What if you got smarter?

Two people pointed Kadizzle to the post below. Fascism is all the Republican Party is about. A Hooplehead, a dinger, a Trump Cult person, or a Tea Party believer could read what Heather Cox Richardson wrote and maybe get smarter. Nope, that is all just them damn liberals. Always remember if you are a cult member with a MAGA hat, " Education just confuses people".   

Dingers just don't want to get smarter. Kadizzle loves the New York Times. Every morning pursuing the NYT is mandatory. As Kadizzle reads the NYT he always wonders " What if a Dinger, or a Tea Party read this?".  Paul Krugman is a favorite, and if you are not a dinger you might enjoy his article today. Krugman writes about how the wind has become "Woke".  The dingers have to oppose wind power, and solar power to be good cult members. The twist of the Republican mind are amazing. 

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