Thursday, May 25, 2023

Gary Morris, a liar in the Trump Tradition

Gary Morris runs the Republican game in Payson. Like Trump Gary lies at will. Gary lied about Kadizzle, claiming falsely that Kadizzle was twice arrested for assault. Gary just made it up, much like Trump. The episode of lying enraged Kadizzle and a call was made to Mr. Morris to discuss his lying. Gary refused to talk. 

In the recent Payson Roundup Gary has a long letter attacking Biden. The letter is just a rerun of Fox News lies. Magically Gary and the other Republicans just don't notice the real news about their hero being charged with sexual assault. Republicans don't remember when Trump shoveled 800 billion in tax breaks to his rich friends. Republicans don't remember when Trump stirred up his cult to invade the Capitol and suggested they hang Mike Pence. Gary has a short memory when the truth is involved.  

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