Sunday, May 21, 2023

I am Sorry, but

 Kadizzle has no use for organized religion. A recent program on 60 minutes pointed out how the Mormons have 32 billion dollars they are not using to help people, then you have the Catholic church with billions. These religions are like polite mafia's. If these churches used their resources poverty would be wiped out in this country, but they use the money to get more money. 

The waste of resources by religion is insane. The cost of keeping empty expensive building heated and cooled alone would put a dent in poverty. Churches should be forced to have full disclosure. Where did the money come from, and where did it go. 

Then you have the crooked TV preachers that steal millions from stupid people to buy big homes and jest. All this thievery is tax free. 

Last but not least is the damage religious schools do to public schools. These propaganda machines take funds from the the taxpayer, and the public schools only to dumb down young children with mythological nonsense. As a country we have poverty and crime because we chose to not because we have to. 

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