Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Payson Tea Party will sponsor a Witch Hunt to raise money for Trump and Kari Lake

Everyone knows Trump hates witch hunts, but the Payson Tea Party will sponsor a witch hunt to rid Payson of witches. Where do you find witches on a witch hunt. Trump says New York is full of them. You might want to look where ever you find a court system or prosecutor. They seem to be the ones who know how to run a witch hunt. Why do the witches pick on Trump, he is such a good man who only occasionally breaks the law, cheats college students, or grabs women.  

Back in the good old days you could actually catch witches and burn them or drown them. The Tea Party will have water and wood available to anyone who brings in a witch. Those blasted witches say Trump lied, and so did Kari Lake. Imagine that. Kadizzle would look anywhere people tell the truth if he was going to find a witch. Somehow that is what bothers Trump about the witches. They keep telling the truth about his crimes. 

Witches must be a lot more common than they used to be. Before Trump was president you could not find a witch, now they seem to be everywhere accusing Trump of grabbing them. Maybe that is what Trump was really doing in the women's dressing room, hunting witches. Hmm makes sense. Trump knows where to grab a witch, just watch his video. 

All the money raised from the witch hunt will be used to help the billionaire Donelda Trump and a little will go to Kari Lake to help her pay her court fines. If you want to participate in the witch hunt wear your Klan outfit to the Tea Party meeting. Michael Heather will lead the hunt and Gary Morris will interrogate the witches. 

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