Monday, May 08, 2023

Maybe the dark ages are over

How will we know when the Hoopleheads vanish? The implosion of Fox News is a hopeful sign. Even the most loyal cult people must wonder about reality when they see Tucker dethroned. Is it possible to lift the fog from the Hooples? Sometimes you just feel you sense a change. There seem to be fewer knuckleheads wearing guns, and the Trump stickers seem to be evaporating. Is this the imagination or is it happening. Liars and those that cry wolf are somewhat self defeating. Fox News has proven that concept. One lie requires another, and another and eventually the lies are so preposterous even a Hooplehead can figure it out. 

The in fighting among the Hooples is a good thing. Each Republican tries to outdo the next for gaming the simple minded. Again this has built in failure. Once you get so stupid you end up with Marjory Taylor Green, or Kari Lake or Wendy Rodgers. Each uses the whooper technique to titillate the Hoopleheads. 

Hoopleheads are like little children they eventually catch on. Republicans main tool is fear and lies. When the Republicans keep predicting disasters that never happen the Hooples begin to wonder. Remember the old preachers that set a date for the resurrection? All the Hooples dressed in their going to heaven outfit only to find out it did not happen. However, recall there were Hooples who accepted it was the wrong date and were ready for another resurrection in no time. Trump is the Republican Jesus and Trump has told the Hooples he will rise from the dead. Hard core Hoopleheads seem to have forgotten his last major failure. 


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