Friday, May 05, 2023

Miss Bumore walking down the road. Update on Charlie

 There she was a just a walkin down the street. Sure enough it was Bumore with her dog. Kadizzle thought Bumore disappeared, but here she was. Bumore is now living in a tent down the road in the forest. Her bum wagon was taken away. When the bumwagon broke down the police had it impounded. Poor old Bumore needs five hundred bucks to get the bumwagon back. The poor woman started crying telling Kadizzle about her bad luck. Kadizzle gave her what money he had. Bumore keeps saying she will sell the golf balls Kadizzle gave her, but she just cannot get it together. 

Charlie Sarafin the right wing mini Rush knew Kadizzle was coming and had Kadizzle's latest letter to the editor ready. Of course it was the usual, talk over Kadizzle once he started bombarding the dingers with facts. First time Charlie got cornered and hung up. Second time Kadizzle go more punches in. Charlie said Kadizzle has no credibiltiy because he reffered to Payson as a city rather than a town. Charlie did not like Kadizzle calling his speale ludicrous. Charlie said law degrees are meaningless then went on to brag about his son the lawyer. This is Charlie, contradicting himself in every sentence. 

The head of the lunatic right wing fringe called in to say they recall group will have a meeting at the casino. Dinger wanted to make it clear only the delusional are welcome. Rational people are asked not to attend. The Tea Party contingent wants to recall the entire town council because they use real lawyers and experts. The dingers feel a bunch of Tea Party people picked at random should make the tough calls for the city. 

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