Saturday, May 13, 2023

Tucker: The FBI has joined the hunt for Christians Wow, you want to see Charlie's son in action.

Kyle Seraphin was run out of the FBI. To retaliate, Kyle is pulling his dad's routine. Watch the typical right wing spin game in this video, if you cannot figure out the spin, then you will fit right in at a Tea Party meeting. So here you have two spinning liars, Tucker, the master, and Kyle trying his best to use the Fox News lying techniques. Of course no one questions Kyle. Just like his daddy he gets Tucker to toss the softball back and forth with him. Logical question for Kyle " Why did the FBI push you out? How about it Charlie, and maybe even Kyle can spin this one? This is classic Tea Party fodder for dolts. Kyle did something stupid and lost his job with the FBI. What does he do? Does he admit his mistake like Daddy says he should? Hell no, Kyle turns on the FBI. Now the FBI is a bunch of government agents out to crush religion. 

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