Thursday, May 11, 2023

The moon is made out of green cheese, and Donald Trump never lies

Do you want to be a Hooplehead? The first thing you have to do is swear off reality. Trump is lying the same lies, and the Hoopleheads still believe the lies. How does that work?

Kadizzle got to smell moon rocks in New Zealand. Yup, they had a display in New Zealand that featured moon rocks. The little sign by the rocks said smell the rocks, they do smell like cheese. That means the moon is made out of cheese. Now you can understand how logic works at the Tea Party and why Trump is still the darling of the dingers. Any normal person can figure out the moon is not made of cheese and Donald Trump is mentally ill, but not a Hooplehead. The Donald is Jesus returned to a Hoople. The Donald had his town hall with CNN and showed he is crazy as ever. The Hooples in the audience cheered. For shure there a 71 million Hooplehead dolts in this country. It is scary, and Payson has it's share. 

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