Thursday, May 25, 2023

Poor Lady Bumore

Kadizzle took the ebike down below the sewage plant on the Doll Baby Ranch road to check on Lady Bumore. As she said she was living in the forest near a huge fallen tree. Kadizzle gave the secret whistle and Bumore emerged from the forest. The poor woman was having  bad day. She is almost fifty, but looks younger. She says smoking weed is her secret. As Bumore told Kadizzle of her follies she broke into tears. She explained she was out of money, food, and water. Kadizzle gave her what comfort he could, but was distressed when Bumore said she had been drinking raw water from the stream. Not a good idea downstream from the sewage plant. 

Kadizzle went back up on the mountain and got Bumore five gallons of good water and rustled up some food from the pantry. Kadizzle needs to return to camp Bumore with a water filter and more food. Bumore wants cigarettes, but that is not on the menu. Tomorrow Kadizzle will try to get her  camp stove and the filter. 

If any readers are struck with a notion to donate, please do, and Kadizzle will buy Bumore some supplies. 

The scheme has been to have Bumore sell the hundreds of golf balls Kadizzle has collected. Bumore gave it a try, but the golf course and the police have harassed her saying she cannot sell by the golf course. We my have to challenge that. The farmers market will be on Saturday, but when Kadizzle called to see if Bumore could sell there they refused. Life goes on and rehabilitating a bum is  a difficult job. 

Another strange twist to the story. Kadizzle ran into a fellow on a motorcycle who also picks up lost golf balls. Greg and Kadizzle had some conversations. Apparently Greg tried to solicit Bumore. Greg told Bumore he likes transexuals which is strange for a good Republican. Bumore said Greg badmouthed Kadizzle and his left leaning poliltics. Indeed a Trump supporter into transexuals is a bit of a twist, but the mind of anyone who voted for Trump has to be a bit off. 

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