Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Michael Heather, put your name on your comments

 Dear Michael Heather

I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is not ok to make derogatory comments on a blog and then refuse to take responsibility for them. When you post anonymously, it is easy to say things that you wouldn't say if you had to put your name behind them. 

However, the impact of your words on the person you are targeting can be significant, and they have the right to know who is making these comments. By hiding behind anonymity, your not only avoiding accountability, but you are also perpetrating a culture of hate and disrespect. 

I urge you to reconsider your actions and take responsibility for your words. If you have a legitimate concern or criticism, you should express it in a respectful way. Otherwise your comments are not helpful and only serve to hurt others.

If you refuse to have the courage to put your name on your comments they will be deleted. Please try to be a better person. 

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