Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Time is flying by

Sylvie, aka the snoochel is turning 14 today. Her dad was in the delivery room when she was born and walked out with the prize to where the grandparents were sitting. Now we have a teenager, with all the teenage girl problems. The blasted snoochel is now taller than her mom and still growing. 

Our neighborhood victory of crazy man RD was featured in the Payson Roundup. Kadizzle did not like the spin. The whole issue was portrayed as a NIMBI deal. To some extent it was, but the reporter overlooked an important element. Payson has some rotten areas in town filled with junked cars and other trashy crap. Those areas could be used for high density housing. This would accomplish two goals, cleaning up the slum area, and providing affordable housing. 

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