Friday, May 26, 2023

The Train is coming down the track

Look around you and ask the question "Where will these people be in ten years?".  Old age comes no matter what you do, unless you die young. The simple reality is the number of people with no savings, and no plan is staggering. How are these people going to make it. Capitalism is based on the principles of a ponzi scheme. You always need more, more of everything to make it work. You need more houses, more cars, more energy, more electricity. Even a Republican dolt should be able to figure out that is not going to work. In a closed system you cannot add more, and more. It simply does not work. The magic word is sustainable. If you take off on a marathon you have to figure out what is a sustainable pace. Humans don't have a clue. When do you stop building more highways, apartments, and plastic junk? Capitalism demands you keep making more. There is no room for the word enough. The demands of the rich drive the poor into the ground. Kadizzle got up this morning and needed a jacket. He had at least five to choose from. Kadizzle did not want a new jacket, but in the mind of Winky his other jackets were shabby.  Go to Scottsdale, Arizona and you can get for little or nothing all the nice furniture you want. Why? Well the wealthy have to remodel about once every three or four years. Why? Because everything has to be up to date and perfect. Buying things you don't really need and paying too much proves you are successful. The entire mentality is insane. Jeff Bezos has a 500 million dollar yacht to prove his penis is bigger than everyone else, but even better he has another multimillion dollar ship to follow with the toys. What is it about humans that they have to build pyramids, and churches to prove some strange reality that does not exist. It is the Trump gold toilet syndrome that affects everyone in his cult. We all strive for the gold toilet. Entitlement, that is the key. We are entitled to burn up the planet in order to entertain ourselves. 

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