Thursday, May 04, 2023

Hopefully Fox News is imploding

The market for lying is not going to go away. Like gambling, and drinking it will always be with us. Always there will be people who cannot figure out the consequences of what they do. You see the people going broke at the grocery store buying the lottery tickets and the same people crowd the casino to give away their social security checks. There is a lot of truth in the saying " You can't cure stupid".  You can't cure it, but you sure can make a lot of money telling stupid what stupid wants to hear. Fox has made billions. Republicans have reaped tax breaks for the rich by manipulating stupid. 

Once upon a time Kadizzle bitched to a manager higher up that Kadizzle was not paid enough. The manager gave a good explanation. He said that the farther in the future you had to plan for the more you got paid. This actually makes sense. Intelligent people are planning days, weeks, months, and years in advance. The simple minded are usually two hours ahead at best. Intelligent people can detect cause and effect. Most of the people living under the bridge were not good at cause and effect. 

Republicans know how easy it is to mangle cause and effect. Fox does it all day. Trump specializes in it. Lying is a key component. 

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