Saturday, May 06, 2023

An enlightening encounter

According to the wife Kadizzle needs mental help. Among other problems his exercise routine is to collect golf balls. Maybe twice a day Kadizzle hops on the ebike and makes a trip around the golf course. Now there are about five hundred golf balls in the garage. 

On the golf ball run yesterday the fellow running the mower on the course spotted Kadizzle picking up a lost golf ball. The man signaled Kadizzle and drove toward him. Kadizzle anticipated a nasty encounter. Once before the fellow had told Kadizzle no collecting. The conversation started out a little rough, but Kadizzle managed to channed the tone toward amicability. As the conversation went on it turned into a nice encounter and ended well. Kadizzle agreed only to collect when the course was closed. As Kadizzle suspected the mower driver was a retired guy just finding something to do. The driver had been a logger one time in his life and we discussed logging and coal mining. In the end Kadizzle recommended the book Barkskin to the fellow.  

The whole encounter was a lesson in how to mold a conversation. It is often fun to turn a nasty encounter into something that ends in a friendly chat. It can be done.

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