Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Donut Gang

Saturday the Donut gang met at Democratic headquarters. Kadizzle contrast in his mind the difference between a gathering of Democrats, and going to a Hoople fest at the Tea Party. Democrats are a diverse tolerant group of people, anchored in reality. On the other hand most of the Hooples believe the identical lies. The Hooples live in a world of fear. A person spoke to the dems about the local LGBT community. She was welcomed and made to feel comfortable. Who attacks the people with a different lifestyle, you got it the Hooples. What a difference. 

The Hooples feed on exclusion, the Democrats feed on inclusion. You can be denied admittance if you are a heretic at the Hoople fest. No one gets turned away at a meeting of Democrats. There is no acid test. 

Democrats are about solutions and progress. Hooples live in fear, and mostly want to defend outdated ideas about women, children, and people in general. 

Why not try both flavors and decide for yourself. Go to a Hoople meeting, then come have some donuts with the democrats. 

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