Friday, May 19, 2023

What the Hoopleheads fear most, Education, and facts

Your rocket science does not have to be that good to notice that the Hooples don't like education, or educated people. The Hooples want their own schools to dumb down their children. That is why the Hooples push for private and religious schools. As said many times, the Hooples truly believe " Education just confuses people"

Next you have the problem with facts. If you want facts do research and listen to intelligent people, but if you want emotional satisfaction attend the Tea Party or turn on Fox News. Facts are troublesome things. Factual information shows a good college education pays off. That is a problem for the Hooples so they tout the idea you can do just fine by not knowing anything. The facts show the rich have stolen our country, but the Hooples like to believe it is the poor. 

The rich love the Hooples because they are so easy to manipulate. You can tell a Hoople a story and it works. Stories for the Hooples don't involve facts, they involve statements like " My uncles daughters, best friend saw Hunter Biden's laptop".  Tune into Tucker to see it in action, or locally Charlie KMOG will tell you a story. 

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