Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Dearest Hoopleheads

 It is blasphemy for a Hooplehead to leave the Fox Bubble and read real news, but let's give it a try. Today in the New York Times the email of Tucker Carlson is featured. If you are a Hooplehead you can read it and see what a lying scoundrel Tucker Carlson is and also find out how Fox operates. However, Hoopleheads know the danger of real news and how real news can burst their bubble, so they will never read it. 

Hoopleheads take such care to remain stupid. Yesterday Kadizzle filled the car with gas. What appeared to be a Hoople with an old beat up truck was also filling gas. The simple minded Hoople made some remark about the price of gas and of course blamed it on Biden. Kadizzle explained to the Hoople that gas adjusted for inflation was not priced that high. Of course the Hoople does not understand how inflation affects everything. Kadizzle explained to the Hoople that Biden cannot control the price of gas. As scripted by Fox the Hoople launched into the pipeline from Canada story. Kadizzle explained to the Hoople that pipeline was carrying tar sand oil and had nothing to do with gas prices. The conversation got heated and Kadizzle had fun shooting facts at the old goat Hooplehead. This Hoople was a classic. The Hoople was obviously busted flat driving an old jalopy of a pickup truck. Now doubt he was scraping by on social security while Trump shoveled tax breaks to the rich. Rest assured he had his gun, and Trump flag. These poor Hooples are lost in the cult world and now that Tucker Carlson cannot spin their heads who will?

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