Monday, January 04, 2016

What we learn from Barny.

Imagine a television with only three channels.  Imagine the three channels were specially selected to have the most useless ignorant shows possible.  That is MeTV.  That is all the Kadizzles can get in their isolated camp by Lake Roosevelt.  Two of the three channels are totally unwatchable.  One is nothing but the QVC junk being sold, and the other is the most hopeless gameshows ever, mixed in with some Jerry Springer nonsense.  So what is left.  In order to give our selfves some dose of television doping we can manage to get through some episodes of Mayberry, or Columbo.  Everything you need to know about management can be learned by watching Andy manage Barny .   One thing anyone could learn from Andy is the way he manages the problem of Barny carrying a gun.  Barny is a dolt and Andy knows he should not have a gun. So Andy requires Barny to carry just one bullet.  Barny has to keep the bullet in his shirt pocket.  Wow, what an idea.  It works great in Mayberry and no one has ever been shot there.  Why not have the same rule for the gun nuts.  The brave gun nuts could look the part, but they would be far less harmful.

As a young person Kadizzle grew up with all sorts of guns, but he was taught some gun safety.  One rule Kadizzle's father had was that when you came back to the farmhouse and got withing two hundred yards the gun had to be unloaded.  The first gun anyone had in our family was a single shot 22.  You learned to keep the bolt open, and usually did not load the gun until you saw a groundhog.

One day Kadizzle almost got shot by a friend.  Ben was a great big chubby city boy who had never groundhog hunted or probably shot a gun.  Kadizzle decided to take Ben hunting.  Ben was given a 22 with a magazine that is under the barrel in a tube.  After an unsuccessful hunt we were walking back to the farm house.  Ben worked the bolt on the 22 several times.  I did not know what he was doing, but he was checking to see the gun was unloaded.  If no shells were ejected he figured the gun was unloaded.  His plan was to point the gun at me and fire it.  As he swung the gun toward me his finger accidentally hit the trigger. The gun fired and he shot within inches of me.   A slight difference in his swing or circumstance and he would have shot me at point blank in the kidney.  A shell had hung up in the gun and loaded the last time he worked the bolt.  It scared the hell out of both of us, and was a very good lesson.  Almost everyday some young person is killed in a similiar accident.  It is usually because some simple minded gun dinger leaves a loaded gun near children.

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