Saturday, January 30, 2016

A lesson from the coyotes.

A peculiar site around here is a dog that has become part of the coyote gang.  Various people have seen the dog trailing along with the coyotes as they walk the desert.  The other day we came across them. They were all lying in the middle of the road warming in the sun.

Kadizzle is fascinated by what the dogs talk about when they sit around in their den.  "Well dog, tell us about those humans".   It must be a great conversation.  Dog says " They fed me, none of this running around chasing rabbits".  "The human food for dogs was not very good, it was usually mush in a bowl, and think about how much fun we have catching food."  Coyotes ask " What do those humans do in their boxes?".  "Well " dog says " They watch a flat device that makes them fat, lazy, and stupid".  " Why do they do that dog, when they could be out in the desert having fun?".  " I think they are scared" dog replies.  " I think they are scared of these people they call terrorist".   "Dog why do people carry guns?'.   " They are afraid, afraid of everything".   " Who is after the people dog?".  " I don't know Coyote, I have never seen anyone come after the people, but the flat screen makes them very fearful".   "Well dog how do you like living with us?".  " It is a lot of fun, but I hate getting the thorns in my paws, the humans would pull them out for you, ya know".  " It is kinda nice being able to poop and pee where you want, those humans made me leave the box, and often I had to do it on the end of a rope.  Imagine trying to take a dump with a rope around your neck".   " Why did you leave the humans, some dogs seem to life the live of ease?'  " Well Coyote sitting around all day with nothing to do is not my bone to chew.  How many times can you chase a tennis ball, and who can brag I got a tennis ball all by myself?'  " I see what you mean".   " You Coyotes get to chase a rabbit for a mile, when you win, you have fresh hot meat,  that beats begging for some table scraps like Republicans beg for tax breaks".

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