Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Brain awakened.

Today is a day off for the Kadizzlites.  Kadizzle thought a motorcycle ride was in order. Of course The Commander said "Me too".  Riding two people on a 250cc motorcycle is a challenge at best, but we do it. One way to make it work is for The Commander to get off and walk when the going gets tough.  Fortunately The Commander decided not to go.  The ride turned out to test all of Kadizzle's skills.  It was steep rocky and at points damn near impossible.  As a person who made his living in the field of safety Kadizzle violated just about all his own rules.  First, this was a ride that should be done with two people on motorcycles. This is so one can report where the other one was killed. Next, the cell phone should work.  It ran out of power. Normally there is a backup procedure, a spare battery.  However, the correct cord was not along for the ride.

So now Kadizzle is riding alone, where he should not.  Since the phone was out, mapping was unavailable. This meant technically you were lost.  Kadizzle thought he could make a giant loop if he stuck with it.  One major problem, the road kept getting worse.  At one point Kadizzle had to get off and let the motorcyle power itself over a bad spot.  Now there was one final safety measure in place. Kadizzle carries a satellite communication device that he can send The Commander a message with in dire situations.  Fortunately the brain awakened.  It was fairly late in the day and this could turn into a real mess if Kadizzle did not turn around.  In the end Kadizzle made it back without a single crash.  Now Kadizzle may attempt to awanken his brain at the beginning of the trip instead of close to the end.  Next time, check the phone is fully charged, the cable to charge the phone is along, and don't go into death territory alone late in the day.

There was some very scenic rugged country back in there, but no pictures since the phone was dead.

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