Saturday, January 02, 2016

Hide behind the tomatoes.

Back in the land of warm Kadizzle and The Commander had to stock up with groceries.  In the wild west town of Globe we stopped to do our shopping. Kadizzle has been in grocery stores for all his life, but never seen a fight break out before.  This is the new age where everyone must be armed.  The gun insanity is nowhere more rampant than in Arizona.  The Commander was stuck over near the vegetables and Kadizzle was wandering around at random trying to entertain himself.  Then the shouting started and people started staring to an outburst of people yelling and screaming.  It appeared some of the grocery store people were trying to break up an argument among some young customers. The fight seemed to be over a boyfriend issue.  The tiny little store manager who was a woman stepped in and various store people separated the participants and asked them to leave.

As Kadizzle saw the poor store people trying to untangle the mess he wondered if he should help them.  This is 2016 and the first thing Kadizzle thought was what if one of these idiots pulls out a gun.  One thing for certain is just about every idiot has a gun.  After the kerfuffle settled down Kadizzle started talking to a guy about his age in camouflage.  He speculated some of the rumblers may have been from the local reservation where lawlessness has reached a new high. He said he also was worried gun play might break out, and then he said he did not have his gun with him as he usually does.  Arizona is a place where it is not unusual to see some brave gun warrior openly displaying his cannon.  People from civilized countries that visit Arizona are amazed about the insanity, even people from civilized states in the United States are amazed on their first visit to Arizona.  Guns make American safer. Yes when you are reaching over to get your Cheerios and a bullet from the a fight in the other aisle comes out of the box that is great.

In the good old days when some nut cases got rowdy some sane big guys usually stepped in and settled the problem with old fashion muscle, but now with the prevalence of guns we are in a whole new age where helping a little old lady store manager could get you shot.

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