Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Hate the government? But you are the government.

Kadizzle would rather eat a bowl of southern fried skunk rectums than be a simple right wing dinger.  Having just read up on the standoff at the wildlife refuge in Oregon Kadizzle is fired up about the hate the government nonsense.  Who is the government?  Donald Trump, Fox and their ilk act as if the government is some foreign entity.  It works great for stirring up idiots, but it defies any common sense.  Kadizzle and his relatives have all been involved in government in many different ways.  Are our relatives and evil conspiracy against us?

In the Southwest it is popular to get your bowels in an uproar over the government owning land.  The same simple minded right wing dingers that bitch about the government owning the land will go out on GOVERNMENT land and hunt right after they finish their bitching and their beer.  The same dingers will go out and drive their ATV on government land and fish in a government lake.  Kadizzle has enjoyed few things in life more than hiking, and camping on government land. In effect it is my land.  Kadizzle has seen the right wing simple minded dinger mindset in action in Montana and North Dakota.  A rick guy reeking with money he stole in the stock market comes to North Dakota and buys up thousands of acres of farm land.  He posts it and tell all the peasants to stay off.  Then he flies in with his jet once a year and hunts.  That is private ownership and how it works.  Once the dingers get all the land back from the government, which is me and you, and give it the rich, it will be the homeless dingers that suffer the most.

Watch what you ask for dingers.  The right to gamble has given the sophisticated the right to economically rape the dingers, and they are doing in spades.  The dingers never realize they need to be protected from themselves.  Dingers are children in adult bodies.  You tell children stories and they believe the stories.  Fox, Rush, Trump, and the Republicans tell the dingers stories and they believe them.

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