Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Burping Toilet

Being awakened at 3 A. M. by The Commander to discuss the burping toilet is not Kadizzle's vision of nirvana. RV toilets are not like home models, there is a holding tank.  The Commander claimed gas was coming out of the toilet.  This would be feasible if the gas smelled like sewer gas, but our delicate thrown seemed to be burping fresh air.  So in the middle of night we did a physics class regarding how this could happen. Kadizzle figured there were two possibilities.  First, it might be possible a combination of chemicals could have been poured down the chute that caused a chemical reaction that produced some sort of oderless gas.  Chlorine is great for chemical reactions. The second possibility was gas was coming clear from the underground septic system, but if it was it should stink.

Well here we sit having coffee and the indigestion of the RV seems to have gone away.  With a more clear head it has occurred to Kadizzle that he could have put some Tums down the thing last night. Lately Kadizzle has had some fire belly, and the Tums seem to work.  Once it warms up the investigation will have to resume. The Commander suspects the vent is clogged.  We will check it, but that makes not sense.  The lack of any odor is the mystery.

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