Monday, January 11, 2016

Bulletin: It was Columbus who discovered cigars.

As The Commander scurries around Kadizzle in his usual lazy manner spends the morning reading about Columbus.  Little did Kadizzle realize it was Columbus who discovered cigars. To top it off it was in Cuba. So it was Cuban cigars Columbus discovered.  As is Columbus had not brought enough misery to the world he also seems to have been a major player in the many lung cancer deaths on the planet.  The amazing thing is Columbus felt God had inspired him to do it all.  All the people raped, robbed, and enslaved by what Columbus set in order can now also thank him for giving the world a new means to suffer.  The real history of the world is much more interesting than the Texas version where slaves were considered guest workers.  Of course we like history the way we like it and that explains Fox News that makes up history every day.

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