Sunday, January 31, 2016

To Crash or Not to Crash

Kadizzle took off yesterday with The Commander in the saddle behind him on the Yamaha steed.  The roads we were on were terrible as usual.  Two old people, both 66 years old buzzing down a treacherous road on a motorcycle.  Our goal was to get The Commander to the Nonesuch Rocks. The Commander is fascinated with rocks, the bigger the better.  On most rides of this nature there are times when The Commander has to dismount and let Kadizzle go it alone up or down an insanely steep part of the road.  Yesterday The Commander insisted on walking a part of the ride we could perhaps have made it up double.  Kadizzle figured he could ride alone and check the road first, then come back and get The Commander. Kadizzle made it to the top without too much trouble, but then decided to turn and go back for The Commander.  The simple act of turning the cycle around at virtually no speed at all resulted in the cycle falling. Kadizzle was not paying attention. As the cycle fell Kadizzle did a fancy roll so the cycle did not fall on him.  The clutch lever got bent into the shape of the number nine when the cycle fell, but it still functioned.

We made it to the rocks and had a great hike.  Where we go is so remote a rescue would be a mess.  Getting us out would be a problem and retrieving the cycle would also be a problem.  A friend broke the oil pan on his cycle and had to hire Mexicans to haul his cycle back.

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