Friday, January 22, 2016

He admitted it

Today was a nice peaceful sunny day. The Commander is hiking with a bunch of women, so Kadizzle has free roam of the desert.  To celebrate Kadizzle took a long ride on the Yamaha steed.  In the course of events Kadizzle discovered some new routes and then figured one route would lead to ice cream.  At the store enjoying coffee ice cream and walnut pecan Kadizzle observed Mr. Bummore.  Kadizzle had seen Mr. Bummore riding his bike the day before.  Bummore is actually Leo, of Leo and Max.  Max is the shaggy little dog that rides on the bike with Mr. Bummore.

When Kadizzle arrived at the gas station for ice cream he noticed the bum mobile and wondered if he should engage Bummore in a conversation.  Bummore was walking Max the dog.  Kadizzle was amazed to hear Bummore cursing poor Max with profanities and jerking on Max's chain, along with dragging Max across the asphalt.  This was not a good performance for someone on the bum who wanted spare change.  While Kadizzle sat on the little seat and enjoyed his ice cream Leo Bummore came nearby and we exchanged pleasantries.  Somehow Leo mentioned he was a Trump supporter.  Kadizzle has been looking for someone who would publicly admit to being a Trump supporter.  This is when Kadizzle knew he had to get a picture of Bummore.  Leo epitomizes what a Trump supporter is.  Leo is a victim of the very things Trump advocates.  Kadizzle asked Leo what motivated him to take off cross country with his dog.  He said his pay was so low that working was hopeless.  Asked what kind of work he did Leo said "Dish washing".  With mechanization the dish washing profession cannot pay that well.  Of course The Donald will cure that by building a casino with American dishwashers like Leo. Well paid dish washers and not those Mexican cheats that are stealing American dishwashing jobs.  It would be so nice to see Leo in a campaign add for Donald.  The camera might pan in on Leo saying  " I'll kill you, you little F**king dog, if you don't put that down", and then ask him why he likes Trump.  Trump and Leo would make a great pair, just like Trump and Palin.  A couple of delusional dolts wandering around in a daze.

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