Saturday, January 30, 2016

Want to join my Tontine

About a month or two ago Kadizzle heard of an old fashion retirement plan called a tontine.  Tontines were invented hundreds of years ago.  Here is how it works, each person in the tontine puts in a sum.  For example let's say each person contributes 100 thousand dollars.  For ten people this would be one million dollars.  The money is invested, and everybody shares in the return on capital.  Now, suppose one person dies, then the remaining nine split the interest.  Now, another person dies, and eight people split the remaining interest. As you can see those that live the longest benefit the most.  In the end one person gets it all. Tontines were actually set up and used for people to retire in the old days.  One major problem was you might be inclined to promote the demise of the other people in the tontine.  If you are not the first to die the idea has some merit.  The problem is to come up with a scheme whereby you don't know who else is in your tontine.  This could be done.  Kadizzle is considering this arrangement.  You could do it among friends.  There is of course the problem of not knowing who was in the tontine.  That will have to be worked out, but the idea could work.  Other than the first person to die, everyone is a winner.

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