Friday, January 29, 2016


Cliff is the third member of our trail crew.  Every morning before Cliff joins up with us he has to inspect and clean the Forest Service restrooms in his area.  When we stopped to pick cliff up yesterday he reported some unusual activity in the men's portion of the rest room.  Apparently some poor confused person decided urinals were the place to defecate.  This is a charitable way of putting it.  More than likely it was some simple minded dinger who had been offended by the universe.  Unfortunately a lot of people do not know there are a variety of ways to protest.  Maybe this person was part of the Bundy gang that took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon.  If you are unhappy, you can talk to someone, you can write a letter, or there are a host of ways to make you unhappiness known.

Once way back when we had a wonderful dog, and he was a smart dog.   Duffy was very good at going outside to do the essentials.  Dogs cannot write letters, and they cannot take decisions to arbitration.  Duffy was not too happy that we left him in the house too long.  We forgot and got home late.  Duffy had a plan he peed on the bed right where Kadizzle sleeps.   Dogs do the best they can with the talents they have.  Unfortunately too many humans are dogs.  The human dogs shoot up signs, scrawl graffiti, and vandalize mailboxes.  Kadizzle does not like the concept of shock collars for dogs, but could endorse them for people. Imagine someone driving down the road with a shock collar.  The dinger throws trash out the window, you hit the shock collar button.  What we need is a justice system where offenders are required to wear shock collars.  When normal people see the dingers doing their dinger behavior they get to shock the dinger.

Now if you have ever known people who use shock collars they will tell you the dog gets to know what will happen if it barks with the collar on.  The simple act of putting the collar on the dog does the trick, you don't even have to use it.  Now Kadizzle proposes telling the dinger in court that a special collar will be put on his neck.  When he offends society the collar will sense it and blow his head off.  The judge will explain that the collar will give the dinger three chances.  After two chances are used up the collar will have a yellow light that will appear.  Actually the collar will just have a timer in it that is set to turn on the light after 24 hours.  The dinger will be doubtful that the collar actually works, but it will drive him crazy once the light comes on.

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