Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Commander has become and equal

It happens every year. For three months every year The Commander is the same age as Kadizzle.  Today cannons will fire, church bells will ring, and massive demonstrations will be in order to celebrate The Commander's birthday.  After the doves are released the major celebration will start.  Hopefully the great gift will arrive by mail.  The great gift will be CDs from Netflix so we can spend the evening watching House of Cards for hours.

Yesterday The Commander and Cliff hiked up the mountain.  Kadizzle chose to stay below and connect two trials with some dirt work.  Next Kadizzle cleaned up the trailhead parking area.  This brings us to the degenerates.  Degenerates throw all manner of trash in the weeds as if somehow that makes the beer bottles, and the baby diapers disappear.  We found a dead dog or cat thrown in the bushes by the degenerates.  Degenerates take pride in offending decent people.  They love to make loud noises, smoke in the wrong places, and wave Confederate flags.  Degenerates love to destroy things.  In Arizona the degenerates drive into the desert and shoot up their old TV or shoot up some propane tanks.

To some degree evolution works for normal people.  The degenerates tend to kill themselves with drugs, cigarettes, or guns.  That is the good news, the bad news is they reproduce.  Putting degenerates in jail lessens the likelihood they will make more degenerates.  However, once they produce a crop of new degenerates the cycle starts all over.  Now people hate to spend money on programs to reform degenerates, but it is cheaper in the long run to wipe them out early than to pay the cost of jailing them, and picking up their trash.

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